martes, 10 de febrero de 2015


Vocabulary 1.

Explanations for being late

I overslept.

I missed the bus.

I couldn´t get a taxi.

I couldn't find a parking space.

I got stuck in traffic.

Vocabulary 2.

Movie genres

an action film

a horror film

a science-fiction film

an animated film

a comedy

a drama

a documentary

a musical

Vocabulary 3.

Adjectives to describe movies

  • funny something that makes you laugh
  • hilarious very, very funny
  • silly not serious; almost stupid
  • boring not interesting
  • romantic about love
  • weird very strange or unusual, in a negative way
  • unforgettable something you are going to remember
  • thought-provoking something that makes you think
  • violent bloody; with a lot of fighting and killing






Vocabulary 1.

Tourist activities around the world

Climb Mt. Fuji

Grupo de turistas en la Estatua de la Libertad

Go sightseeing in New York

Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower

 Try Korean food

Take a tour of the Tower of London

Take pictures of the Great Wall

Vocabulary 2.

Participial adjectives

The safari was fascinating.
(They were fascinated.)

The ski trip was thrilling.
(They were thrilled.)

The sky-dive was frightening.
(They were frightened.)

The food was disgusting.
(They were disgusted.)

sábado, 7 de febrero de 2015


Vocabulary 1. 

Financial Terms
                                                                       C     an ATM                                                      

     C     cash


    C     an exchange rate                          

C    foreign currency


      C    a currency exchange


C     a fee


Vocabulary 2.

How to bargain
Buyer´s language
  • How much do you want for that (shawl)?
  • That´s more than I wan to spend.
  • I can give you (twenty) for it.
  • Would you take (thirty)?
  • All I have is (forty).
  • It´s a deal.

Seller´s language

  • How much do you want to spend?
  • I could go as low as (seventy).
  • I can´t go lower than (sixty).
  • You can have it for (fifty).
  • How about (forty-five).
  • It´s a deal.

Vocabulary 3.

How to describe good and bad deals

Good deals

She got a great deal.
She saved a los of money.
It was a real bargain.

Bad deals

He got a bad deal.
He paid too much money.
It was a total rip-off.


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